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Plasma chemical aspects of magnetron ion etching with CF4/O2BRIGHT, A. A; KAUSHIK, S; OEHRLEIN, G. S et al.Journal of applied physics. 1987, Vol 62, Num 6, pp 2518-2522, issn 0021-8979Article

Mise à l'échelle des décharges confinées en plasmochimieLIVENTSOV, V. V; POTAPKIN, B. V; RODDATIS, V. K et al.Teplofizika vysokih temperatur. 1989, Vol 27, Num 2, pp 220-225, issn 0040-3644Article

Synthesis of oxide catalysts by thermolysis of solutions in a plasma flowTSYBULEV, P. N; POP, V. A; VORONIN, P. N et al.Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. 1997, Vol 70, Num 4, pp 598-604, issn 1062-0125Article

Properties and use of uraniumfluorine plasma. II : Nonagregat reduction of uranium from uranium hexa-fluoride in high-frequency without-electrodes dischargeTUMANOV, YU. N; TSIRELNIKOV, K. V.Fizika i himiâ obrabotki materialov. 1992, Num 1, pp 61-67, issn 0015-3214Article

Modeling of the evolutions of negative ions in silane plasma chemical vapor deposition for various process conditionsKIM, D.-J; KIM, K.-S.Japanese journal of applied physics. 1997, Vol 36, Num 7B, pp 4989-4996, issn 0021-4922, 1Conference Paper

Plasmo-chemical synthesis of power fibre silica structures in a plasma of RF and SRF dischargesARTJUSHENKO, V. G; BLINOV, L. M; VOLOD'KO, V. V et al.Soviet lightwave communications. 1992, Vol 2, Num 2, pp 171-182Article

Plasma chemistry in disilane dischargesDOYLE, J. R; DOUGHTY, D. A; GALLAGHER, A et al.Journal of applied physics. 1992, Vol 71, Num 10, pp 4771-4780, issn 0021-8979Article

Comparison of CF3CI and C2F6 + Cl2 plasma chemistry by power modulationKISS, L. D. B; SAWIN, H. H.Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 1992, Vol 139, Num 5, pp 1414-1420, issn 0013-4651Article

Sensitivity analysis of Xe2* excimer fluorescence generated from charged particle excitationCHUNG, A. K; PRELAS, M. A.Laser and particle beams (Print). 1987, Vol 5, Num 1, pp 125-132, issn 0263-0346Article

Etude du transfert de chaleur dans un réacteur de plasma chimiqueLYAKIN, M. V; SURIS, A. L; POSTNIKOV, V. M et al.Inženerno-fizičeskij žurnal. 1989, Vol 56, Num 1, pp 71-74, issn 0021-0285Article

Analytical model of positive streamer in weak field in air : Application to plasma chemical calculationsKULIKOVSKY, A. A.IEEE transactions on plasma science. 1998, Vol 26, Num 4, pp 1339-1346, issn 0093-3813Article

Quasi-equilibrium states of a low-temperature air plasma of reduced densityPANASENKO, L. N; ROMANOV, G. S; STANKEVICH, YU. A et al.Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. 1995, Vol 68, Num 4, pp 464-469, issn 1062-0125Article

Grosstechnische Anwendungen von Lichthogenplasmaverfahren in der Chemie = Utilisation des processus de plasmas d'arc électrique en chimie = Use of arc plasma processes in the ICPMULLER, R.Elektrowärme international. Edition B, Industrielle Elektrowärme. 1987, Vol 45, Num 3-4, pp 146-154, issn 0340-3521Article

Table des vitesses spécifiques de réactions chimiques dans un plasma d'azote = Table of specific chemical reaction rates in a nitrogen plasmaLASGORCEIX, Pascal; DANTON, Clotilde; DUDECK, Michel et al.Rapport - Laboratoire d'aérothermique, ISSN: 0248451X. 1986, 27 p.Report

Ionizational nonequilibrium induced by neutral chemistry in air plasmasLAUX, C. O; GESSMAN, R. J; KRUGER, C. H et al.AIAA journal. 1996, Vol 34, Num 8, pp 1745-1747, issn 0001-1452Article

On plasma composition of a pulsed discharge in electrolyteRADOVANOV, S. B; HOLCLAJTNER-ANTUNOVIC, I. D; TRIPKOVIC, M. R et al.Plasma chemistry and plasma processing. 1986, Vol 6, Num 4, pp 457-476, issn 0272-4324Article

On the supply and measurement of power in microwave induced plasmasHUBERT, J; MOISAN, M; ZARKZEWSKI, Z et al.Spectrochimica acta. Part B : Atomic spectroscopy. 1986, Vol 41, Num 3, pp 205-215, issn 0584-8547Article

Plasma spectrochemistry III: proceedings of selected papers, European winter conference on plasma spectrochemistry, Leysin, Switzerland, 7-11 January 1985BOUMANS, P. W. J. M.Spectrochimica acta. Part B : Atomic spectroscopy. 1986, Vol 41, Num 1-2, pp 1-181, issn 0584-8547Conference Proceedings

Modeling the chemistry of plasma polymerization using mass spectrometryIHRIG, D. F; STOCKHAUS, J; SCHEIDE, F et al.Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. 2003, Vol 375, Num 7, pp 935-941, 7 p.Conference Paper

Run-to-run evolution of fluorocarbon radicals in C4F8 plasmas interacting with cold and hot inner wallsOSHIO, Hidetaka; ICHIKI, Takanori; HORIIKE, Yasuhiro et al.Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 2000, Vol 147, Num 11, pp 4273-4278, issn 0013-4651Article

Sample preparation by plasma chemistry in the atomic-absorption determination of silver in process solutionsCHMILENKO, F. A; PIVOVAROV, A. A; DERKACH, T. M et al.Journal of analytical chemistry (New York, NY). 1997, Vol 52, Num 4, pp 311-313, issn 1061-9348Article

Experimental investigation of atmospheric pressure nonequilibrium plasma chemistry : Special Issue on High-Pressure Arcs and High-Frequency Thermal PlasmasKRUGER, C. H; OWANO, T. G; LAUX, C. O et al.IEEE transactions on plasma science. 1997, Vol 25, Num 5, pp 1042-1051, issn 0093-3813Article

Spatial and temporal distributions of ozone after a wire-to-plate streamer dischargeHEGELER, F; AKIYAMA, H.IEEE transactions on plasma science. 1997, Vol 25, Num 5, pp 1158-1165, issn 0093-3813Article

Nonequilibrium in thermal plasmas with applications to diamond synthesisKRUGER, C. H; OWANO, T. G; LAUX, C. O et al.Journal de physique. IV. 1997, Vol 7, Num 4, pp C4.67-C4.92, issn 1155-4339Conference Paper

Réacteurs plasma et chimie des plasmas, 12 au 13 novembre 1987, ParisRevue internationale des hautes températures et des réfractaires. 1990, Vol 26, Num 1, issn 0035-3434, 66 p.Conference Proceedings

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